Auto Manufacturers
Our Knowledge of the Situation
We at Destiny International are aware that you are a well-respected corporation that takes pride in the building of quality automobiles. Your automobiles have superb handling, a very smooth and comfortable ride, and a price that is compatible.
We at Destiny International know that excessive daily waste of materials impacts the bottom line. This often contributes to losses in the Body Shop, Final Repair and Paint Shop. Additionally, sometimes the finished product comes off the line with metal damage.
While your present method of filing and sanding, removing the paint, sealer, Elpo (primer) and finally Galvacoat, is effective, the process is often time consuming. This compromises quality and results in excess waste of time, labor and material.
At Destiny International we know that quality begins with people. Success depends on the ability to develop the ‘human dimension’ of service by utilizing people to their fullest potential. The only way that we know to do this is through education and training. The end results include increased motivation of employees and enhanced quality, which means better service for customers, which always impacts the bottom line.
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