“We treat our customers as if the world revolves around them…because it does.”
Destiny International Training is Second To None
- Basic PDR
- Advance PDR
- Metal Finish
Destiny International Training has four phases.
To captivate the attention of each individual technician, educating him/her in how the training can serve as a benefit to each individual. This is done to show them that by perfecting our technique, they will become an even more valuable asset to the corporation. The end result is an increase in motivation and a boost of morale. This component plays the overall role in being able to complete this course with satisfying results.
Each technician learns how to develop an eye for damages in metal. Often the automobile makes it through to the end of the line with obvious defects in the metal. By educating the technicians in how to spot defects, we can increase their level of quality.
We explain briefly to the trainees about pressure points and points of impact. This information helps in the success of the dent removal process.
Proper training and development of each technician in the technique of paintless dent removal through the perfecting of this art is a WIN, WIN situation. Some of the benefits include:
- Enhanced quality product.
- More efficient damage control system.
- Increased motivation in employees.
- A savings in material and time.
Destiny International’s goal is to supply the BEST TRAINING and CONSULTING INFORMATION. We will continue to be well informed of all current developments within the industry. Destiny International is cost conscious, and quality destined, we are committed to developing each technician to his/her fullest potential. The only way that we know to do this is through education and training. The end results include increased motivation of employees and enhanced quality, which means better service for customers and that always impacts the bottom line. Finally, Destiny International’s goal is to exceed the expected standard of each client.